
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Frozen Getaways

This winter I'm enjoying staying inside and happy to say our drawing group has continued gathering for the season. It maybe too cold to draw or even paint outside but we still are getting inspired. We took to some of the areas most beautiful inside locations like the Charmant Hotel, St. Bernard Room at the area ski lodge, plus Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Holmen Community Center and the Mall.

I'm not like most who live here in the frozen tundra enjoying winter sports, but many do participate in downhill skiing in the land of bluffs. As in the local ski area Mount La Crosse. 

More Snow! Mount La Crosse 8x10 oil



Friday, January 28, 2022

Loving it-Perrot

 An old haunt of mine, having worked in visitors services for 6 seasons. Everytime I visit it's like going home.

Love it-Perrot State Park

Bay Vista 8x10 oil

Trempealeau Bay always demands another look with Winona in the background.

Bay Refuge 8x10 oil

A water way before the Mississippi holds lots of birds and animals to see if you can stand still for awhile.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Loving It-Trempealeau

A favorite place to stop and take a walk, look for birds and always photos for painting.

Love It-Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge

Trempealeau Tree 8x10 oil

 It's nice to see the oak trees hold onto their leaves, resisting winters barrenness. This spot stopped me in my tracks since I could see the line of bluffs in Perrot State Park

Refuge Prairie 8x10 oil

The lack of color give a serene look to the long distance views of prairies. I can almost imagine the bison in the distance.


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Demo Day at River City Gallery

Marsh Madness 8x10 oil
Just got done with a demo at the gallery. It's always nice to get outside of my studio to paint. I had some photos from the fall of the La Crosse Marsh. I recently heard their efforts to protect this lovely piece of nature in La Crosse is again triumphant. A treasure for those that live in the city.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Loving It-McGilvray Trail

A special place that connected people long ago. 

Love It- McGilvray Trail

The seven bridges trail starts with this one. A quick trip to the trail in the winter but also to venture around the new property next door.

Mc Gilvray Welcome 8x10 oil

The Stephenson Farmstead. All that remains is a remnant of the windmill. I took liberty of creating a painting from some of the photos of the old homestead to thank the Arnesons for their contribution. This one's for you Dave.

Arneson Gift 8x10 oil

While looking at some of my past photos I tried another one with people. It always seems to add to the story. I think I'm prone to capture fisherman. They stand still longer.

Bridge Over Waters 8x10 oil

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Never too late!

A request for another pet commission under the Christmas tree finally made it's way home to Colorado this past week.

Bruce and Grey, two best buddies shown here, took a moment between wrestling to pose for Angela. She wanted to surprise her husband Harry with a portrait for the holidays.

Bruce and Grey 11x14 oil

If you're interested in commissioning a pet portrait or other painting. Here are the details.

Pet Portrait pricing begins at $50 for a 5x7 (unframed)-small but suitable for head shot, $75 for an 8x10 (unframed)- great for a single pet. $115 for an 11x14 (unframed). For each additional pet in the portrait add another $25. Shipping is extra (if needed) and generally runs, $8-$20 dollars in the U.S. depending on the location. These are common sizes allowing you to purchase ready made frames. Keep in mind no glass or matting needed for an oil painting.

Please allow 4-8 weeks to complete.

The process includes the time to confer back and forth plus the time to dry. I work from your photograph, keep in mind photos that show a clear face and eyes, plus represent the colors of fur make for a better portrait. Exotic pets are also welcome. Contact me at

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Ice is Nice for Some

After the subzero temperatures gave us a break, we ventured out last Saturday in search of the snowy owls. There were several reportedly spotted from the Lake Onalaska overlook on Brice Prairie.

Disappointed and reluctant  to go back inside right away we made another stop at Mosey landing by Red Pines. Looks like I found a flock of fisherman had set up camp. The frigid days had frozen the lake enough for atv and shacks to start moving in to get the best angle on winter fishing.

Here's my inspired paintings after taking some quick pic's with my camera, returning to a warm studio to reminisce.

Prairie Winter Camp 8x10 oil

Brice Excursion 8x10 oil

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January Update- New Year New Display

A New Year and another month at River City Gallery, in downtown La Crosse. The response has been very welcoming and I sure appreciate having a gallery that takes the time to help customers and enrich the community. Thanks again Robin Moses and Tarl Kaio and for all their hard work. My original oil paintings on display at the gallery are priced as framed 8x10 at $150, unframed 8x10 $50 and unframed 5x7 at $30.

Be sure to stop by and see them in person. Here's a sneak peak, but remember, even better in  person. I love the gold thread of yellow throughout these paintings on display for January.

I've added some new framed ones too to follow through with a street theme. Most are local with three from a visit to Antigua, Guatemala. Also some beach scenes to warm our souls this winter.


Street Ruins 8x10 framed oil

Street Sidewalk 8x10 framed oil

Street Vendor 8x10 framed oil

Coastal Dune Lake 8x10 framed oil

Grayton Beach 8x10 framed oil
Fall Blossoms above La Crescent 8x10 framed oil

Trempealeau Refuge Tree 8x10 framed oil

Street Cafe 8x10 framed oil

Here are a few scenes that will be displayed on the galleries Winter Wonder wall for January.

Proud Momma 8x10 framed oil
Frost in Apple Valley 8x10 framed oil

Below are 8x10 and 5x7 unframed oil paintings.

La Crosse, WI Areas-Downtown-Marsh-Goose Island

Hazy River Daze 8x10


Pearl Street 8x10

Backyard Parking 8x10

Southern Exposure 8x10

Grand Dads Blessing 8x10
Zoo Remnants 8x10 

Riverside Gardens 8x10
Black River Bridge 5x7

St. Kateri 8x10

Memorial 8x10

Onalaska and Brice Prairie, WI

Crossing Guard 8x10

In A Haze 8x10 

Sunday Market Onalaska 8x10
Overlooking Clouds 8x10

Spillway 8x10
Downtown Landing 8x10

Pining for a Picnic 8x10 

Schilling Stables 8x10

Trempealeau, WI 

Rolling Clouds 8x10

Brady's View Part 2 8x10

Holmen, WI and Mel-Min

Ye Old Tree 8x10

Elder Acres Farmstead 8x10

Wisconsin and Minnesota 
Winding Way 8x10
Together We Stand 8x10

Hope on Fire 8x10
Don't Fence Me Out 8x10

Marinuka Gazebo 8x10

Family Portrait 8x10
Door Keeper 8x10
Kinstone Cabin  8x10 
Pewit's Nest 5x7
Ishnala Beach 8x10
Art Farm 5x7

Gathering of the Falls 8x10

Walking in Search of Birds 8x10

Washburn Remnants Part 2 8x10
Minnesota Overlook 8x10 

Animals and Birds

Nodding Approval 8x10

Who Me? 8x10

Siberian Crane 8x10
Black Crowned Crane 8x10

Nesting 8x10
Mallard Duck 8x10
Sandhills of the South 8x10
Man plans, Goats laugh 8x10

Amazing Goats 8x10

New Best Friends 8x10

Bees, Flowers & More

Vine Ripe 5x7
End of the Reign 5x7
Garlic's Ready 5x7
If the Shoe Doesn't Fit 5x7
The Weight of Limbs 5x7
Tree House 5x7

Peonies Saved from the Storm 8x10

Mandevilla Hot Madness 8x10
Refuge Lily 5x7

People & Gatherings

Rollin on the River 8x10

Waiting Moments for the Music to Begin 8x10

Sunny Days 8x10
Strolling Moments with Friends 8x10

Workshop Gatherings 8x10
Patient Moments For A Nibble 8x10

Other Places 

Catching Waves 8x10

Gulf Waves 8x10

Cloud Towers 8x10


Hualtico Bay 8x10

Star Search on the Sea Deck 8x10

Swabbed Sporting Deck 8x10

New Mexico Landscape 8x10

Big Bend Settlers Homestead 8x10

Saguaro Park Shelter 8x10

Belize Savanah 8x10

Still Lives

Nice Ice 5x7
Rural Totem 5x7

Number 2 Orange 8x10 

Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...