
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Preparing to Plein Air

 I have plenty of opportunities to paint outside now and thought I'd give my pochade box a good cleaning. You know spiff it up a bit, clean off the build up of paint so it looks pretty.

My sister gave me a big wow after seeing a photo of the box and wasn't impressed by my focus on painting and not cleaning up. It's hard to be a clean painter, at least for me. I thought it looked great, since it showed to me the years of toiling over my artwork. I know other artists will understand.

Sad to say the cleaning process took it's toll on the joints and sliding mechanism. I think it's time for some new gear after painting 900 plus paintings, it served me well. I can still use it in the studio, but one size must fit all,l since I can't  move the easel clamps. 


So if you see me out and about say what a beautiful set up I have, cause it won't take long til this pretty pochade box is disguised in paint. 

Making it's debut at Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, Sat. Jun1 for Artists Along the Trail.

On Sunday's for the month of June I'll be at Elmaro painting during street market.

See posters for more information or contact

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Upcoming Events Calendar for June


Pine Creek Waterway 8x10 oil

 Artists Along the Trail

Saturday, June 1 from 7:30am to 1:00pm

Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge

Visitors will enjoy watching artists create in the refuge,  

    afterwards join them for lunch at the OWL Center. 

Thanks to the Friends of Trempealeau Refuge 

and Michael Orwecke Memorial Fund 

Shown plein air painting from last years Artist in the Refuge Event  by CShoreArtwork


Blue Spires of Lupines 11x14 oil

Artists From the Refuge

Month of June at Elmaro Vineyard and Winery

Group display of artists from Saturdays plein air event

will display their artwork inspired by the refuge. 

Join them for a closing ceremony Sunday, June 30 from 1-4. 

Thanks to the Friends of Trempealeau Refuge 

Shown plein air painting inspired by Lupines in the Refuge by CShoreArtwork

On the Road Again 11x14 oil

Plein Air Painting

Sunday's Street Market at Elmaro Vineyard and Winery

Various Artists from the Refuge will be onsite creating 

 during Elmaro's Street Market on Sunday's in June from 1-4 

Shown studio painting inspired by Elmaro's floral displays by CShoreArtwork


Channeling Goose Island 16x20 oil

100th Anniversary 

Vote at River City Gallery 

in downtown La Crosse. 

 Winner announced Friday, June 7

Shown my entry of  Goose Island by CShoreArtwork


When the Music Ends 11x14 oil

River Arts Alliance

Members Exhibition and Showcase

Opening Reception Friday, June 21

Blue Heron Coffeehouse thru Aug. 18

Shown Trempealeau Hotel nocturne by CShoreArtwork




Saturday, May 25, 2024

In Another Week

 In another week, these beautiful blue blooms will be done. Several of the artists that are participating in the Artists Along the Trail got together at the Trempealeeau Refuge  to enjoy a morning of plein air painting. Here's the painting I accomplished.

Blue Spires of Lupine 11x14 oil

In another week, you'll also find over a dozen area artists setting up there easels to create from the inspiration of Trempealeau Refuge. The public is invited to stop along the trails and visit with the artists starting at 7:30 am on Saturday, June 1. Then at 11:30 join them at the OWL Center in the refuge for a nice lunch and see there results. More information in the poster below.

Hope you'll join us rain or shine.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Where has the Month Gone-Display up for one more week

                                Where’s Aldo? I’m Back!

by Colleen Shore

11x14 oil cradled panel  $275



Ready for the Midwest Crane Fest!

 Inspired after a visit to Aldo Leopold’s Shack and International Crane Foundation

What would Aldo think about today's awareness in conservation. Great strides have been made in so many  areas. Hopefully the momentum keeps up with the needs.

When I saw my first Whooping Crane in the wild I was very grateful for all the efforts of others.

Note; Cold Wax and Collage, in the background I use pieces of the brochure. I hope I made  Aldo proud with my recycling.



This was the first painting I did back in December for my display Feathered Friends at Elmaro. Just one more week in May. FYI they are closed on Memorial Day, Monday.


Monday, May 13, 2024

Feathered Friends not Fashion Accessories


Do These Feathers Make Me Look Fat?

11x14 cradled panel $275


Fate of Feather Fashionistas

Fashion trends in ladies hats and apparel was devastating for many birds in the late 1800's and early 1900's. The hunt was on as feathered hats were all the rage. Mass slaughter of birds for plumes, resulted in the endangered survival of birds and the death of young left behind.

Fortunately, feathered fashion fell out of favor when people were made aware of the consequences


This is one of my paintings for my show for the month of May at Elmaro.

 Concerns or questions



Thursday, May 9, 2024

Want to Learn more about birds?

Don't miss Stan Tekiela’s presentation, 

“Bird Nests: Amazingly Ingenious and Intricate”

Stan Tekiela, renowned wildlife photographer, author, and
naturalist, will present his entertaining program filled with amazing
photos and fun facts about bird nests. Few creatures can craft such
brilliant and involved homes!
*This event is sponsored by the Friends of Trempealeau Refuge.
*No registration is required for this event.*Social hour: 5:30-6:30p.m. *Program: 6:30p.m.



Here's one of my new paintings for my upcoming show in May at Elmaro. 

 Concerns or questions


Think of Others 11x14 cradled panel oil $275


The Truth is out there,

                                                         Keep Reading.

Figuring out the difference between fact and fiction can be daunting.

Wording and labeling can be misleading. Sometimes it what’s not said that we need to be aware of. The pesticides of the past are one example. DDT seemed like a miracle product then we saw the adverse affects on birds in particular.

It’s important to check dates on reports, read and follow the directions and asking good questions from trusted sources. Or better yet learn to live with nature.



More about Friday-

More about Saturday- On Saturday, May 11th, Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge invites everyone to the Refuge for our Annual Birding Festival! The festival runs from 7:00am to 12:30pm.  



More about my Display of original oils at Elmaro


Monday, May 6, 2024

Something to Crow About

Thanks for the warm reception at Elmaro. My show will be up until May 28. 

Selfie Awareness 11x14 oil cradled panel SOLD

Something to Crow About

 Did you know crows can recognize faces. They can remember and identify those that they come in contact with.

 Studies and experiments show the unique thinking of crows using tools and solving problems.

 Reflecting on the abilities of birds to mimic and learn maybe we should think about what we are teaching them.

 One interesting fact- crows brain size in relation to it’s body mass exceeds humans.  Bird brain may have a new meaning.

 Here's one of my new paintings for my show in May at Elmaro. Concerns or questions

Saturday, May 4, 2024

We're Here!

 The Humming birds and my show Feather Friends at Elmaro.

Hope you can make my opening reception Sunday, May 5 from 1-4

 Color of Red

by Colleen Shore

11x14 oil cradled panel  $275

Get Real, No Red Dye No. 2


When we try to replicate what we think nature needs we often impose our own misconceptions.

Please remember you should not dye your hummingbird food red. Its not needed and can be harmful.

Having  a red container or a decoration in red is enough to catch their eye.

Also use real sugar, no substitutes for hummingbirds.



Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...