
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Refuge Respite

Boardwalk at Necedah 8x10
Taking the time to enjoy some of the nicest stops around.

Our National Refuge lands across the state are beautiful places to walk and reflect.

Here's three of those special places.

Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, along the boardwalk in Wisconsin's central swamp.

Trempeauleau Refuge Trail 11x14

Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, walking from the Marshland entrance through the bottomland forest.

Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge La Crosse at Brice Prairie. Paved walkway in the Sand Prairie.
Brice Prairie Walk 5x7 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Best Present Sharing

It's hard to describe how excited I get seeing my art displayed in people's home.

Shown on the left of this photo are a number of current pieces along side one of my large landscapes done about 20 years ago, from a photo I took 45 years ago. Here's to the past and future.

Thanks Jeanie and Terry
When I see them in a collection, that I didn't anticipate, it amazes even myself that my colors and style are pretty consistent.

Thank Jodi and Les

My artwork does enjoy the company of others, even if Tigger is a bit standoffish, at least to me.

Thanks Lois and Ken

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I get to adorn a guest room in Asheville. So if you're lucky enough to be invited, do enjoy. It was pointed out the pot on the dresser is also one of my attempts at ceramics in college. Oh my!

Thanks Sylvia and Joe

Hope Bandit enjoyed his portrait.


Being the center of attention or even the center of mantle of this fireplace is quite an honor. A girl's best friend, her sister.

Thanks Mary

  Here's man's best friend and favorite sport. A lot of ball chasing behind these scenes.

Thanks John

It's really nice to hang out with other favorites too, like prestigious galleries.

Thanks Kalla

This one will be displayed at the upcoming fourth annual Art Dash on March 26, 2020.

A real honor to be part of the fundraiser for the Franciscan Spirituality Center here in La Crosse.

It's titled Horseshoe Falls-Part 2, depicting a Wisconsin State Natural Area in Perrot State Park. This small cove only pours when it rains. It's mossy rock ledges are home to swallows, an intimate place in nature and respite from our busy lives.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Birthday Presents

Not getting older, hopefully getting better as an artist. Time for some inspiration and a little help from my friends.

We visited the Milwaukee Art Museum with a docent tour, enlightening us to many interesting tales about different artists and their works. I left with this little souvenir, a Monet Magnet. It was a toss up between Van Gogh, but since Vince still had two ears it didn't seem realistic. I'm so impressionable.

A side tour to Lakefront Brewery was hilarious, our MC was Amy Sue and she even crowned me Queen. Must do tour, adults only.

We also celebrated with a Bloody's from Sobelmans, Symphony sounds and finished off my day with a nice dinner with husband and sister.

Some awesome gifts for the artist.

Can't wait to get to try out my new Plein Air umbrella.

Plus a visit to Michael's art store with my gift card.

Actually I never thought I'd make it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Overseas Presence

Ellie & Jovi at Ballyloughane Beach, Gallway Ireland-SOLD
Soon to be shipped across the Atlantic. A commission for family allows me to claim I have my paintings in Europe, only 5 more continents to go.

It was a real treat to paint these two, I especially loved the setting.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever 11x14
As the short days and cold nights of winter have arrived, the warm memories of summer are still on our minds.

My brothers family has a seasonal cabin they wished to remember. Sitting by a campfire after a day on the lake.

Here's my commissioned painting for them from one of their fondest memories.

Cabins on the Lake 8x10
I decided to make it a grouping from some of my fondest memories too.

Sittin' in the Sun 5x7
One of the last remaining cabins from back in the day.

 Sitting around viewing the lake.
Owl 1 8x10

Who might be coming for a visit?

It's a secret for two grand nieces. Hopefully they'll be able to make the trip and visit the National Owl Center.

A gift for the girls when they come, don't spoil the surprise.
Owl 2 8x10

Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...