Artists have begun paintings at various sites within 15 miles of the La Crosse's City Center. En Plein Air, ( in the open air) they attempt to capture scenes from landscapes to urban settings, it's their choice of venue, in their choice of mediums from oil, acrylics pastel, or water colors. These paintings are created during the time period of Oct 3 until they need to be turned in framed and ready to hang by 5pm on Thursday October 17 at Gallery 1802.
My past Painting at Riverside, shown in situ (photo in place)
Interpreting the light and color from the moments they observe onsite,
they will be judged by artist Michelle Combs. Who has been invited to
award honorable mentions, awards of merit and best of show, to be
revealed on Friday October 18.
Public is invited to a demonstration by three area artists (Kathie Wheeler, Jon Erickson, Paul Bergquist) on Saturday, Oct 12 from 9am-Noon at Myrick Park in La Crosse, east of the Nature Place building. Beware this is how I got the bug to paint plein air after a demonstration.
As you watch them paint you'll begin to see the process of transformation. It's mesmerizing, I hope you can find the time to see the magic happen.
Paul demoing years ago
Public is welcome to attend opening night and see which three paintings, of 35 different artists, have decided is there best from the past two weeks. The display will be held at 1802 Gallery in the lower level, on 1802 State Street, across from the UWL campus, through Sunday. If you desire the paintings n display may be purchased.
This is the place for the exhibit
Public can cheer on artists during the Quick Paint Competition in the area around La Crosse's Riverside Park's International Gardens on Saturday, October 19 starting at 10 am, with awards at 12:30 at the Gardens Gazebo.
During the two hours artists need to paint, frame and submit their paintings, rain or shine.
International Gardens at Riverside Park La Crosse
Hope to see you there.