
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Casting Call

A Fun Day
Look what I caught!

Anticipation-It's Harder than You Think 8x10

Always Grace Under Pressure 8x10

My ulterior motive was to compliment my next painting project. The lure of trying another portrait, lead me to a couple of photos I had of my two beautiful Grand Nieces, enjoying some fishing time with their family. Those around me are often the subject of my work, whether they want to or not.

It's certainly a lot easier to portray a youthful face, than an older adult with so many more lines on their face. I kept the backgrounds more simplified and chose the poses that reflected the intensity of focus on the lines in the water.

They grow so fast and change every time I see them. I hope I captured one day in their lives before they grow up. Of course these are going to Nana and Papa, I figure their mom and dad always get to see them in this time of isolation.

My next project is a bit larger in scale for my favorite park. Details coming up as the project progresses.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Painted Selfie

Calm and Collective 8x10
A common artistic practice is to do the self portrait.

I've put it off til now since I hadn't done much painting in the way of portraiture. Creating pet portraits can still be a challenge, for expression, coloring and breed accurately.

So I began the process of my own self portrayal with taking a selfie on my phone camera. It's not something I am use to. I'm always the one behind the camera so I have very few photos of myself to work from.

Painting from a photo seemed a lot easier than looking in a mirror at my reflection like those masters of days gone by. Did you know Van Gogh did 40 some self portraits.

Sunny Disposition 8x10

After taking lots of photos I decided on these three poses for their expression and light. I discovered painting a self portrait can be very challenging. You want to edit out those parts of yourself you don't like or are resistant to accepting, like the results of aging. We always look better as we look back.

I do not anticipate that I will be offering portraiture painting commissions anytime soon. It is a much more tedious process and I can't imagine trying to satisfy a clients desire and how they imagine they look.

Blue Period 8x10

I'm glad I gave it a try, it helps me grow as an artist and now I have a new and more current image of myself for my blog.
It's just which one expresses myself more.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Return

Ruby Scout 5x7 
Can't hardly wait until their return. The males come first scouting for springs nectar. It's been a long trip but hopefully worth their while. I'll be putting out my feeder after this week to be sure to welcome them back. Some say a little early but I don't want them to miss my house as their refuge.

Craig's Bird 5x7

On a birding trip to Costa Rica my sister-in-law saw many beautiful hummingbirds among others. With her camera at hand she and fellow travelers caught some great images. The Black-Crested Couquette, their trip leader Craig's favorite. Thanks to Hen and Rose Shea for sharing their photos
Paradise in Costa Rica 5x7 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

"Life is Better in a Herd"

Adorable Angora-Emma 5x7 
I think we could all agree with Magic Willow Alpacas motto. Here's a few more glimpses into the family farm over in Hartford, Wisconsin.

Proud as a Peacock 8x10

Riddlers' Puzzling Pose 8x10

I think it would be nice to have all these fellow creatures around to talk to and care for.

By the way, Dr. Doolittle books were a favorite growing up.

This pose of Riddler was chosen by Becky of Magic Willow Alpacas because of the most unusual way he is lying down.

I'm sure she sees a lot more of their unique personalities around the farm.

The above three paintings will join the others soon. Hopefully I'll be able to visit in person this time.

Magic Act-8x10

Trouble 8x10

Part of the Pack 5x7
Trouble's Friend 5x7

Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...