We're traveling again! The first camping trip to Day Lake, in the Chequamegon National Forest, and some time to draw and paint. The fresh foliage was the brightest green against the dark recently burned forest floor. While it really isn't going to be displayed in Paris, it really was the path to the outhouse or Loo as some may say.
Going to the Loouve 8x10
Painting plein air
It was nice that the bathrooms were so well kept by the hosts. We really appreciated the efforts and decided contribute some wall decoration. I'm sure it won't last through Memorial Weekend.
Art in the Loouve
Lichen It
Jack not John
After returning home I was thrilled to post my painting on "En Plein Air" Painting and Painters site I follow. Many kind words which I appreciate but I really was seeking the constructive criticism needed to learn from my attempts at Plein Air painting. I discovered they have a mentorship section where by other artists will assist with those in need. Thanks to Julia Lesnichy for her assistance.
Here's a link http://instagram.com/julia_leshnichy
On the Way to the Loouve 8x10
Comments sited were to cool the greens in the distance, more contrast between lights and darks
and the birch tree was too far left for the composition. It's nice to
have fresh eyes. Instead of fixing the existing painting I tried
painting another in the studio. It lost some freshness but it was also less
cluttered since I felt I over worked the first one. Here they are side by side. Notice the differences?
Plein Air or Studio
We also had a chance to visit Copper Falls State Park. the water was running high and so were my hopes to photograph and paint a water fall in the studio. I took Julia's advice to tone down the white to help indicate that the day was overcast.
Gathering of the Falls 8x10
before toning down
It's great there are so many resources to help advance my efforts.