
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Refuge Respite

Boardwalk at Necedah 8x10
Taking the time to enjoy some of the nicest stops around.

Our National Refuge lands across the state are beautiful places to walk and reflect.

Here's three of those special places.

Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, along the boardwalk in Wisconsin's central swamp.

Trempeauleau Refuge Trail 11x14

Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, walking from the Marshland entrance through the bottomland forest.

Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge La Crosse at Brice Prairie. Paved walkway in the Sand Prairie.
Brice Prairie Walk 5x7 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Best Present Sharing

It's hard to describe how excited I get seeing my art displayed in people's home.

Shown on the left of this photo are a number of current pieces along side one of my large landscapes done about 20 years ago, from a photo I took 45 years ago. Here's to the past and future.

Thanks Jeanie and Terry
When I see them in a collection, that I didn't anticipate, it amazes even myself that my colors and style are pretty consistent.

Thank Jodi and Les

My artwork does enjoy the company of others, even if Tigger is a bit standoffish, at least to me.

Thanks Lois and Ken

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I get to adorn a guest room in Asheville. So if you're lucky enough to be invited, do enjoy. It was pointed out the pot on the dresser is also one of my attempts at ceramics in college. Oh my!

Thanks Sylvia and Joe

Hope Bandit enjoyed his portrait.


Being the center of attention or even the center of mantle of this fireplace is quite an honor. A girl's best friend, her sister.

Thanks Mary

  Here's man's best friend and favorite sport. A lot of ball chasing behind these scenes.

Thanks John

It's really nice to hang out with other favorites too, like prestigious galleries.

Thanks Kalla

This one will be displayed at the upcoming fourth annual Art Dash on March 26, 2020.

A real honor to be part of the fundraiser for the Franciscan Spirituality Center here in La Crosse.

It's titled Horseshoe Falls-Part 2, depicting a Wisconsin State Natural Area in Perrot State Park. This small cove only pours when it rains. It's mossy rock ledges are home to swallows, an intimate place in nature and respite from our busy lives.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Birthday Presents

Not getting older, hopefully getting better as an artist. Time for some inspiration and a little help from my friends.

We visited the Milwaukee Art Museum with a docent tour, enlightening us to many interesting tales about different artists and their works. I left with this little souvenir, a Monet Magnet. It was a toss up between Van Gogh, but since Vince still had two ears it didn't seem realistic. I'm so impressionable.

A side tour to Lakefront Brewery was hilarious, our MC was Amy Sue and she even crowned me Queen. Must do tour, adults only.

We also celebrated with a Bloody's from Sobelmans, Symphony sounds and finished off my day with a nice dinner with husband and sister.

Some awesome gifts for the artist.

Can't wait to get to try out my new Plein Air umbrella.

Plus a visit to Michael's art store with my gift card.

Actually I never thought I'd make it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Overseas Presence

Ellie & Jovi at Ballyloughane Beach, Gallway Ireland-SOLD
Soon to be shipped across the Atlantic. A commission for family allows me to claim I have my paintings in Europe, only 5 more continents to go.

It was a real treat to paint these two, I especially loved the setting.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever 11x14
As the short days and cold nights of winter have arrived, the warm memories of summer are still on our minds.

My brothers family has a seasonal cabin they wished to remember. Sitting by a campfire after a day on the lake.

Here's my commissioned painting for them from one of their fondest memories.

Cabins on the Lake 8x10
I decided to make it a grouping from some of my fondest memories too.

Sittin' in the Sun 5x7
One of the last remaining cabins from back in the day.

 Sitting around viewing the lake.
Owl 1 8x10

Who might be coming for a visit?

It's a secret for two grand nieces. Hopefully they'll be able to make the trip and visit the National Owl Center.

A gift for the girls when they come, don't spoil the surprise.
Owl 2 8x10

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Shalom Wildlife Zoo

Elk Family 11x14
Another stop while visiting my sister, Shalom Wildlife Zoo, north of West Bend, Wisconsin. This has become a favorite 3 mile walk around the 100 acres viewing some 400 animals.

Fawn 5x7
Another great opportunity to photograph and paint wildlife. they do a great job keeping the animals in a natural looking setting.

Ready to Eat 8x10
They have seasonal events. One of my favorite was the evening Halloween walk, with rest stops for campfires and treats.

Next up Christmas Drive through. By the way the rhino is not real. But they do have Lions, Tigers and Bears. Oh My! Have a nice Thanksgiving.
Decorating for the Holiday Drive thru

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hanging Around

Orange Still Life Studies and Landscapes in Guest Bathroom
I don't usually like to have too much of my own artwork hanging on my own walls. It can inhibit me from creating more.

But it's fun to display them for awhile and reflect on my efforts. It's also a great way to refresh my personal space.
If interested most of them are for sale.

A couple of Drugans Golf Course
Sometimes I just take my favorite pieces and exchange them with other artwork from different rooms. I figure way cheaper than redecorating.

Eric's favorite among the Living Room Gallery
Hopefully you don't have any artwork hidden away. Be sure to keep it out for viewing and let it breath new life and joy in your space.

Cranes join the Thai influenced Guest Bedroom
I'm also hoping to encourage those that purchased my artwork to share. I'll be featuring, on one of my blogs in December, photos that are submitted.

My personal favorite kitty Bunny

Please share with me at

Friday, November 22, 2019

Magic Willows Alpacas

Troubles Friend 5x7
Trips to farms and zoos are opportunities to photograph animals that I don't ordinarily have the chance to see. So taking lots of photos for future paintings is a must.

During a trip to visit my sister we went to Magic Willows Alpacas, a couple miles north of Hartford, Wisconsin.

Part of the Pack 5x7

Becky, one of the owners and caretakers of all the animals, gave us an introduction to her family of Alpacas and Trouble the Llama.

The expressions and big eyes were fun to paint. I started to use some of the 5x7 size canvases I bought from Raymar. They produce a high quality canvas panel in all sorts of finishes, so I bought their sample pack to have a go at it.

Trouble 8x10

If you go, check out their website before and try and stop when they have some of their activities. A stop at the Farm Store is also a must for alpaca products.

Thanks Magic Willows for your hospitality.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Swan Dive-8x10
I'm back to painting whatever I want, now that October commissions are done. It's liberating to do whatever I want again. So here we go, to the Brownsville Overlook for swans.

Migrating tundra swans love to gather in the area on their way south. They feed heavily on tubers, loosening them with their feet and then nose diving, swallowing them whole.

Brownsville Reunion-11x14

The Mississippi River is wide and dotted with small islands, at this point. Thousands of swans stop to refuel during the first weeks of November before continuing their journey.

To capture the big beautiful view I painted this one on an 11x 14 canvas.
Mallard Duck-8x10

Along with swans you also see a variety of ducks and geese. A local favorite featuring the Mallard Duck.
Minnesota Overlook- 8x10 

I experimented with a new technique, adding cold wax to the oil paint. It makes for a much duller painting and gives the paint a whole new feel. Not sure if I like the process. May have to take a workshop and discover why so many people love it.

Now that I'm back painting for another year and another 100 paintings I decided to branch out and start including some smaller and larger canvas sizes to my repertoire. I'll be including unframed 5x7 for $20, 8x10 for $30 and 11x14 for $50. Keeping with standard sizes for less expensive options for framing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Four more in a Row

One of my other commissions, was to do four of the same image.

Inspired by my trip to the Apostle Islands, I did a painting of the sea caves on Devil's Island. As it happens, a friend had also recently kayaked with three others out to this remote point on Lake Superior.

After she saw my paintings of Devil's Island, and after personally seeing how incredible the wind and water carved rocks are, she wanted one of her own.

Well at first she wanted a painting of the adventure for herself, then she thought about it and asked me about painting four of her favorite photo, so she could give the other three adventurers a memento of their journey.

This was definitely a new challenge for me.

Probably not one that I would soon repeat. Repetition is the key word. While I had certain colors mixed, I would work from one area of a painting to the same area on the next.

Over and over again. Then I went back into each one to make it it's own.

One of the more difficult areas was the kayaker. It was a must to include it, since it gave the whole painting it's scale.

Hope you can appreciate the variances in each painting and the challenges it posed.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Best Friends

Remington and Truman 11x14
Had the chance to do a few pet portraits after experimenting with friends dogs and cats.

As members of a family they really do have to look like their pet.

Nash 8x10
Fun to do and even more when their cherished friends are being memorialized.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Craft Show at La Crosse Library

NFS Trempealeau Bay
I'll be joining the Craft Show at the La Crosse Public Library on Saturday, November 2 from 9am-3pm. manning the Friends of Perrot State Park booth.

On display will be the colored creations from the Perrot State Park Centennial Coloring Book created by me. You too can create your own memories from Perrot with this coloring book featuring these four designs.

Coloring Books provided by the Friends of Perrot will be for sale at $4 each or 3 for $10.

Trempealeau Bay- The Bay forms at the convergence of the Trempealeau and Mississippi Rivers., isolating Trempealeau Mountain. An attraction for modern park visitors who like to paddle and past traveling voyageurs banking on some new found land. Local aquatic inhabitants gather around the voyageurs canoe pondering what kind of new log has washed ashore. Whether it's sunset or moonset, it's colorist choice.

Prairie Pollinator's-NFS

Prairie Pollinators-A bouquet of native blooms and a variety of pollinators, to remind us of natures special relationships. Each pollinator seeks the prairie plant designed with them in mind. Hope you find peace and harmony while contemplating which colors to choose. There's a range of possibilities.

Brady's Bluff-Reaching the highest point in the park begins with Horseshoe Falls part of a State Natural Area. Hikers journey up the west side trail retracing the quarried stone footsteps of the CCC. The strong men who toiled together created the original path to the summit. Along the way woodland blooms and driftless wonders transform into goat prairies, showcasing the diversity of natures wonder. Be sure to bring your binoculars for a birds eye view at the top of Cambrian stone cliffs.

Perrot Post-NFS

The designated landmark highlights one of the parks original hosts, Nicolas Perrot a French Fur Trader, who hung his hat and coat near this historical marker. Resident woodland animals reveal themselves, hidden among the hardwood trees, curious to see the new comer. Evidence of the areas first known inhabitants are also seen among the mounds that once filled the park. Acknowledging the attraction of this place we call Perrot State Park.

Here's a list of all the items included in the four coloring pages of the Perrot State Park Centennial Coloring book. The book also features lots of historical photos and information about the park. A great keepsake and wonderful for gift giving at the holidays or for your favorite teacher.

 Also you'll be able to see the full line of jewelry, from bracelets, necklaces and ornaments created for Heart2Heart fundraising.

Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...