
Monday, November 18, 2019


Swan Dive-8x10
I'm back to painting whatever I want, now that October commissions are done. It's liberating to do whatever I want again. So here we go, to the Brownsville Overlook for swans.

Migrating tundra swans love to gather in the area on their way south. They feed heavily on tubers, loosening them with their feet and then nose diving, swallowing them whole.

Brownsville Reunion-11x14

The Mississippi River is wide and dotted with small islands, at this point. Thousands of swans stop to refuel during the first weeks of November before continuing their journey.

To capture the big beautiful view I painted this one on an 11x 14 canvas.
Mallard Duck-8x10

Along with swans you also see a variety of ducks and geese. A local favorite featuring the Mallard Duck.
Minnesota Overlook- 8x10 

I experimented with a new technique, adding cold wax to the oil paint. It makes for a much duller painting and gives the paint a whole new feel. Not sure if I like the process. May have to take a workshop and discover why so many people love it.

Now that I'm back painting for another year and another 100 paintings I decided to branch out and start including some smaller and larger canvas sizes to my repertoire. I'll be including unframed 5x7 for $20, 8x10 for $30 and 11x14 for $50. Keeping with standard sizes for less expensive options for framing.


  1. Don't forget the other side of the river too the look out by Goose Island. Although I think a lot of the swans took off early. They're smarter than the rest of us!

  2. We did do the Wisconsin side yesterday all the way to Lansings Driftless Museum. Yes there were plenty of swans too. The day we went to Brownsville was a sunny day and much better for photos to paint from. Always a beautiful view on both sides.


Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...