
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Woodcut Workshop

Bandages not required.

My husband and I took a day class at the Pumphouse on Woodcut Printing with artist Lynne Valiquette.

My husband who claims he does not have the artistic gene was on fire with his creation. A campfire!

I chose my design from a previous drawing of Bunny the feral cat.

These are just the wood blocks cut with our designs, you then make prints from these. I think they are beautiful keepsakes as is and will treasure the day of fun, learning what it takes to create this older hands on technique. Well at least we got a taste of what it takes.

Here's a few of the steps to create.

First the image is transferred using carbon paper. Millennials may have to look that one up on the internet. Then you black out with marker what you may want to leave uncut.

Next, using a different colored marker to indicate areas to be cut. As you use the tools (shown here) the pink color disappears as you cut away letting you keep track of your progress.

We got to keep our set of new tools as part of the class fees. Just love having new toys to play with.

And yes, she did have bandages provided but none were needed.

When you think you might have your woodcut done. You go to inking the surface and then place a sheet of paper over and rub the surface to transfer the  image.

You get to do as many proofs and return to carving as needed. You just have to remember you can't put back the wood you carve away so you go slowly.

It's great to get a better understanding of this artistic process that dates back the the first century in China.

Lynne will be exhibiting in two upcoming shows in the La Crosse area. Hope you get a chance to stop by these gallery shows.

Nine-featuring nine artists, including Lynne with her monotypes from Sedimentary Series.
Oct 16-Nov. 29 at the Heider Center in West Salem
Reception Sat., Oct. 26 1-5.

Pump House Show Jan. 6-Feb. 22, including Lynne with
showcase  Vessels her monotypes with embellishments. Reception January 10 from 5-7.

I will complete this blog with at least one of my paintings efforts of my husband.

I call it "Fishing for a Compliment"

So let me know if you like Eric's Campfire or my Cat Woodcut.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

La Crosse Tribute

La Crosse Waterfront 8x10
 SOI'd like pay tribute to the upcoming Plein Air Event happening in La Crosse, WI.

Although I will not be partcipating myself this year, I do hope to in the future.

La Crosse Marsh 8x10

My paintings shown here are of some of my favorite places in La Crosse, but they are painted from photos I have taken.

This studio practice will give me the focus I will need to compete when the time comes. These studies help me decide what subject matters and time of day I may choose for competition.

La Crosse River State Trail-8x10
Here are some of the details or go to I hope you enjoy the local talent that exists and those artists that will be visiting La Crosse during the painting fest. Special thanks to those taking the time to organize this event.
La Crosse Downtown 8x10

2019 Plein Air Between the Bluffs Painting Fest
Friday, September 6 thru Thursday 19.

Reception Friday, September 20 from 6-9pm

I know I won't want to miss the free demonstrations to be held:

Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 9am by Paul Bergquist
location to be announced,

Thursday, September 12 at 6pm by Jon Erickson
location Myrick Park Eco Center area.

I know I'm going to try and make it. Hope to see you there.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Four More

A little bit of this and that.

Working from family favorites in East Saguaro National Park.

To the Rio Grande in Las Cruces, New Mexico

I gave a bird a try too. Liking the looseness of the background and the brush strokes for feathers was fun.

This certainly would be difficult as Plein Air since birds don't pose well. I caught this on my camera during a visit to the International Gardens in La Crosse.
Went back to try a flower painting. Still not as easy as I'd hoped. I think the photo is better than the real thing. Just finished painting and the photo picks up the glare of the wet paint.

Mandevilla Hot Madness 8x10
So I think my landscapes have improved greatly but need to broaden my subject matter to still lives and florals.

Need to work on the brightness of colors like the hot pink of the mandevilla and the intense red of cardinals.

With 66 paintings only 34 more to go. Maybe by the end of September I'll reach my first goal.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Pen Names

Nom du Plume, Chop, Signature, we leave our mark on our accomplishments, such as artwork and for history's sake.

On some of my past artwork I've used :

Colleen Burke
Colleen Burke-Shore
Colleen Shore
and most recently just CShore
this creates it's own time line corresponding to when the artwork was created.

I think as we grow and age things get a little more abbreviated and less complicated.

Taking a break from painting, I went back to a collection of drawings that have inspired me. Some are from the weekly drawing group when we met at Halfway Creek Cemetery, Del's Bar and the International Gardens in La Crosse.

Others just places included are when I've had my sketchbook along while I wait. You never know what you might see to draw.

This grouping I used black pen. It's not as forgiving or subtle as pencil but it offers a greater intensity to the lines.

Plus since I can't erase any lines, I need to be able to live with them. Just one of life's lessons I guess.

Here I began with some waiting room chairs. Then a man sits down. He kinda becomes a ghostly part of the drawing, since I didn't have the heart to ask him to move.

A new friend Kadoe, the therapy dog.

By the way I also have gone by the name Lena from Onalaska and another blogger name Hannah Dove.

You can just call me Colleen.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Paint what you know!

The Course Home 8x10
 Advice I've heard along the way.

They say it's best to create from what you are familiar with. Your surroundings, something you're passionate about, so I continue to paint what I know.

Golf at Drugan's Castle Mound.
Almost Home 8th Hole 8x10
Since we had obtained one of their memberships, we've been frequent golfers. Playing the front 9 holes on afternoons and the back 9 early in the morning.

Bunker on the Back Nine-8x10 

You get pretty intimate with a course as you walk for an hour and more contemplating the hills and bunkers between the holes.

Lovely Water Hazard-8x10 
Sometimes you get to search a little further in the rough or even in the woods. Or maybe a lovely water hazard.

Par Gardens-8x10 
The views are spacious along the fairways with expanding vistas. Well tended garden beds along the way featuring golf comforts and some very nice specimen trees.

It really is a great opportunity for subject matter. I'm glad I took my camera along with for a few extra shots besides a few mulligans.

Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...