
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Happy Anniversary AA Arnold Home

Saturday I was invited to join in the 150 Anniversary Celebration of the AA Arnold House in Galesville. They asked me if I'd like to paint the house, I purposefully forgot my ladder so I could plein air instead. Ha Ha.

From the bits of conversation I over heard lots of past family members came to share the day. It felt like a family reunion, lots of laughs and people sharing stories.

Anniversary Special 8x10 oil SOLD
Some of the guest would tell me stories of how they used to climb these interesting trees as kids. I think they are cedar and had the most amazing shapes.

Climbing Trees 8x10 oil unframed $50
Thanks for sharing the day

Friday, July 26, 2024

One out of Three-Soaring Over Riverside the Favorite

I painted plein air this last week in downtown La Crosse. As always I'm attracted to the beauty of Riverside Park.

Here's three paintings, now I have to select one to enter into the Downtown  Art Around coordinated by River City Gallery. Help me pick which one I should enter. Would love the feedback.

River City Gallery at 321 Main Street will have a gallery reception on Friday, August 2 from 4-7. The public is invited and may vote on their favorite image.


All were done outside in the moment on location. Thanks to all those who stopped by to see and comment on my progress.

Soaring Over Riverside was the favorite of viewers. Thanks for you input and kind words. Now framed and will be on display starting Friday, Aug.2 at RiverCity Gallery in La Crosse

Soaring over Riverside 8x10 oil framed $150

Morning at the River 8x10 oil

Moon Tunes 8x10 oil

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Spirit Doll

A wonderful afternoon creating my own Nature Spirit Doll at Kinstone in Fountain City. Cher Bunker our facilitator got  the group started and we took off on our own paths. It was wonderful to see the variety of dolls and interpretations. A very personal adventure. My friend and fellow artist Jill joined in the fun. Also met some wonderful expressive women at the workshop. A must do for any creative mind plus no experience necessary.

My Spirit Doll
I brought along a few items from home that I knew my spirit doll would need. Canvas and brush of course. Some body armour for protection ( an drawer pull from my grandmothers chest of drawers). A beaded rock I made in another workshop to keep me grounded and a container for gathering found objects and a girl always needs a little rope just in case.
Jill's Spirit Doll

Group Spirit Dolls

Thursday, July 18, 2024

West Salem home to the Fair

Exploring West Salem and all it has to offer has been on my list of things to do. The first attraction is the La Crosse County Fair. This painting I did last year, Love going to see the animals up close. We hung around for the Rooster Crowing Contest. What a hoot.

Call of the Wild 8x10 oil unframed $50

A chance encounter while exploring was the Neshonoc Dam. There must be many stories about the buildings surrounding this picturesque place.

Salem Dam 11x14 oil unframed $125

Drawn Together (Artist Group) gathered at South Park on Lake Neshonoc. A lovely breeze kept the bugs away and had time to do this painting of the birches on the edge of the bank. Recent high waters made the water look pretty muddy.

South Park 8x10 oil unframed $50

Always looking for suggestions on new places to paint in West Salem. Let me know

Monday, July 15, 2024

Home Away-Cabins from the Past


Cabin Gardens 8x10 oil

A visit to Pat and Hen's cabin. This is a historical cabin on Clear Lake. So glad they share this piece of the past.

Brought my paints with me and enjoyed the morning light. Perfect weather and wonderful family time.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Homework-Back to the Studio

Waking Geese 8x10 oil
 After attending a plein air workshop in late June, with Mary Pettis at the Atelier in St Paul, here are some of my paintings. I tried evaluating and completing in the studio five of the eight paintings I worked on. Trying to paint what I loved about what I saw.

Coreopsis in the Park 8x10 oil

Yellow Casts 8x10 oil

After a plein air outing we were also challenged to make another painting in the studio from our first impressions. Those notes we were able to quickly capture in paint and then translate again editing out what doesn't work.

This was a first for me and very challenging. Something I really need to keep working on.

Bridge 1 8x10 oil

Bridge 2 8x10 oil


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Fourth

Have a safe and happy fourth of July. My next day to celebrate with painting plein air will be for the 150th Anniversary at A.A. Arnold's East Side Farm in Galesville on Saturday July 27 from 8-4.


123 Boom 8x10 oil

It was a real blast painting in the past at the Founder's Day in Galesville.

 Here's some of my paintings inspired by Galesville,

Above the Canon Firing of the 2nd MN Battalion of Light Artillery Reenactment

Below more from Arnold's House and my favorite the Gazebo's in Galesville.

I'll be setting up my easel on the 27th of July plus bringing along my collection of area paintings.

Hanging Out 8x10 oil

Road to Arnolds 8x10

Galesville Gathering 8x10

Arnolds View 8x10
On the Square Galesville 11x14

Marinuka Gazebo 8x10    


Monday, July 1, 2024

Catching My Breath

 It's time to catch my breath. The first half of 2024 has had it's highs and extreme lows.

I had plans. I had hopes. Thankfully I had family and friends to cope.

I lost my muse, confidant,best friend and life long partner of 37 years at the beginning of the year. My husband Eric supported my art and encouraged me to pursue what I loved so I continued on with planning art exhibits and participating in events. While his life was coming to an end, mine was beginning for me as an artist. I know he would be proud of me as I continue to live my dream and find the beauty in things around me.

So onward to the next chapter in  my life. As of July all my previous commitments have been met and my choices are now new. Some exciting, some kinda scary. I hope to begin in late summer with a few new exhibits and try my brush with more plein air painting. I'm looking forward to participating in Between the Bluffs plein air event in October here in La Crosse and I have a few more commissions to complete before the holidays.

A big thanks to fellow artists who I've met along the way and helped me realize my journey doesn't have to be done alone

Thanks for the photo Kari H.

Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...