
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Three Little Kittens

These feral siblings adopted by a couple in Yuma, Arizona are a lucky bunch.

TJ 8x10

It was a pleasure to try and capture their different expressions and personalities.

Shadow 8x10

This beautiful bunch was under the Christmas tree this week and will be added to the wall of other cherished cats.

Stripes 8x10

I enjoy doing personal pet commissions. Makes a person feel part of the joy of pet guardianship.





Saturday, December 19, 2020

Trempealeau Figures

I changed it up a bit this week going from groups gathered to some solitary figures. Here's three that  struck me in my search through past photos. I use to work up in Trempealeau at Perrot State Park, one of my favorite jobs ever. I met so many people as a visitor services employee. From campers and hikers passing through to the locals and people that surrounded me.

Here's a couple of local legends that I had the privilege to meet and some who I just observed.


Suantering Down Sullivan 8x10

Screech Owl on one of his walks to the park on Sullivan Road


Tending Gil Nets 8x10

George  Richtman, a third generation commercial fisherman, repairing the gil nets


Prescribed Patience 8x10

Crew member working a prescribed burn at Perrot.


If you have a story about any of these figures please share.

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original unframed oil paintings on panels, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Missing Moments

Last March I made the leap to including figures in my paintings. Resulting from our recent dilemma of isolation and canceled events, I reflected with a series of paintings on my blog called Gatherings. I was missing a painting workshop and local music events for the summer were continuing to be canceled. It was hard to think in terms of what were we going to get excited about for the coming months.

We find ourselves still in the same routine, careful to be around people and looking for ways to get inspired. So I've gone through all my photos and began to sort them. A very worthwhile project . As you know you can wile away many hours in discovering past memories and fondly reminiscing with your own thoughts.

I now have a file on people to paint. So glad I'm always taking snapshots. Here's a few of La Crosse that remind me of the good old days.

Waiting Moment for Music to Begin 8x10

Patient Moments for a Nibble 8x10 

Strolling Moments with Friends 8x10


Maybe you recognize someone in these images. Please share if you do.

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original unframed oil paintings on panels, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Keep on Truckin'

Some may remember the phrase from the 60's. These enduring times bring up lots of memories.

Here's a diversion from my latest paintings. An old truck caught my eye. The patina of the paint and the advance of rust. There must be some strong memories associated with this relic. I guess that's one way to hold on.

Still Strutting 8x10

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original unframed oil paintings on panels, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Holmen Highlights

Winding up my pursuit of paintings featuring local scenes I chose Holmen. This is the closest community to where I live. They've got a wonderful park for music in the summer, which I'm miss very much. So I wanted to make sure I highlighted the park with new and past paintings.

Halfway Creek Park 8x10

Gatherings-Halfway Creek Park 8x10

 Another place that amazed me about Holmen was the Halfway Creek cemetery. Learned about the history from the caretaker while our drawing group was visiting. Did this painting shortly after.

Halfway Creek Resting Spot 8x10

We frequent the golf course in Holmen called Drugans, a beautiful property set in between the bluffs. Hopefully I take more shots on the course with my camera than with my clubs. Inspired by my walks on the links to paint the scenery.

Lovely Water Hazzard-Drugans 8x10

Another meeting place to pick up wine, gourmet cheeses and meats is the Holmen Meat Locker. A legend by itself, they have awesome jerky. I love the way they decorated out front with these little piggy statues.

To the Market 5x7
My last and newest discovery in the Holmen area is the New Amsterdam Grasslands, a preserved site. One section is periodically closed for the local wildlife.
Grasslands 5x7

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original unframed oil paintings on panels, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Heartfelt Thanks

I hope this message finds you safe and taking the precautions necessary to protect others. I want to send a big thank you to those that have been so supportive in my creative efforts. From encouraging words, responding with likes and hearts, sharing my artwork with others and of course those that have one of my paintings hanging in their homes.

Bleeding Hearts 5x7 unframed oil on panel

and the winner is Marcia T.

To show my appreciation I want to give away this painting of bleeding hearts. It was a favorite flower my mother would grow in her garden. I am thankful for the time I had with her.

Please join me in giving thanks to someone you are missing this Thanksgiving due to Covid 19 isolation. By email at, or responding to this blog or comment to this posting. Share your heartfelt thanks and the name of the person who you are unable to gather with this Thanksgiving Day. 

My husband will randomly draw from the responses I receive by noon on Sunday, November 29, 2020. He says that you don't need to be present to win, he's a funny guy. Then I'll ship anywhere in the contiguous United States to the person in your statement, with a message from you. I'll ask for the address when you've won.

Now doesn't that sound like fun! Enjoy, thanks again for reading this blog and stay safe. Colleen Shore

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Overlooking Onalaska

I didn't want to overlook Onalaska, WI for a series of hometown favorite paintings. Reflecting on autumns gorgeous colors to some past favorites. The main part of the city is along Hwy 35 with great views over Lake Onalaska. Here Sunny the Sunfish greets visitor at one of those views. An icon of the area.

Sunny the Sunfish 8x10

All along the waterfront you can reach Onalaska by car or bike in on the Great River State Bike Trail which leads to the downtown and Great River Landing welcome center.
Downtown Landing 8x10

Down by the river which is actually the Black River, the spillway is surrounded by giant Cottonwood Trees creating a favorite shady spot for fisherman and waterfowl.

Spillway 8x10
Main Street of Onalaska is brightly adorned by baskets of bountiful blooms celebrating a homey atmosphere.
Bountiful Atmosphere 5x7

Stop at another overlook and you can see our neighboring bluffs of Minnesota.

Onalaska Overlook 8x10

If you have awhile, meet the people of Onalaska for some entertainment at Dash-Park across the street from the Great River Landing welcome center. Hopefully the gatherings will continue next summer when we are all clear of covid.

Gatherings Dash-Park 11x14

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original unframed oil paintings on panels, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Brice Prairie and Beyond

My creative process to capture the beauty in the area I live in is supplemented with learning more about this place called home. This grouping depicts Brice Prairie here in Onalaska, on the bottoms of the bluffland. Defined by the Black River and Lake Onalaska, the area once farmland, is now more country suburb.

Swan Family Search 8x10

Searching on the internet for what makes Brice Prairie special I came across a listing of an Indian Burial ground. They said it had no markers, just a vacant lot. We searched from the information provided and I think I know about where, but could not confirm. Here's a painting of the approximate area down by Fred Funk Landing and the beautiful view we can share with them now. The burial consisted of several families most who had lost their loved ones from the influenza outbreak of 1918. 

Retreat on the River 8x10 

Another favorite spot is Lytle's Landing which leads adventurers to a paddling route or a connection to the Great River Bike Trail. Small getaway cabins still line the Black River shores.

Pining for a Picnic 8x10 

Red Pines Restaurant the perfect local hangout for dinner and a date. I miss the Sunday Bloody special and Trivia nights. It was something that got us through the winter. Heard they were closed again for COVID. Once things are over I'm hoping they have a seat for us.

Burr Oaks Return 8x10
Milk Weed Maze 8x10 

Brice Prairie Walkway 5x7

A more recent new neighbor is the Upper Mississippi Wildlife Refuge office in Onalaska. They offer a beautiful nature and educational center with restored prairie surrounding them.

I think the last thing I attended, inside a building, was here, last March. Seems really long ago.

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original unframed oil paintings, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Myrick and the Marsh

An oasis in the middle of La Crosse, Wisconsin lies Myrick Park and the magnificent marsh to it's north. This wilderness within the city is another unique landscape to try and capture. The paths were my stomping grounds as a college student and resident of Laux Hall. It was the perfect place to blow off the books for a nature hike. Happy to say the efforts so far to fill it in have been fought and the area is developing for recreational use.

Wetland Tribute 8x10

 The nature center is a more recent addition to the park, a welcome site that is focusing on the needs of our environment.

Landscape Interrupted 8x10

Nice walks along the trails still compete with other needs. This natural sponge absorbs excess water and gives back to the local wildlife. 

Swamp Blooms 5x7

Soaking Up the Beauty 8x10

Traversing Interests 8x10

There was a time when zoo's were the place to see wildlife. Glad we figured out all you have to do is hike into the marsh to view all sorts of interesting and entertaining creatures. 

Zoo Remnants 8x10 


Grand Dads Blessing 8x10

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original unframed oil paintings, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Goose Island Getaway

Not far from the south end of La Crosse, WI, is Goose Island County Park. Set among the back sloughs of the Mississippi where you can lose time and place. I'm finding I don't have to go far from home to find these tranquil spots in nature.

Goose Island Bluffs 8x10
It's been depressing to not be able to venture to the warmer states of the south for the upcoming winter months and escape with the snow birds of Wisconsin. My hopes of painting in National Parks capturing their profound beauty has to be put on hold, in order to beat the Pandemic. It has caused me to review what is around me and try to capture the local beauty. 

Slough Trail 8x10

I think I forgot what a special place we live in. Forgive me for my oversight as I dedicate my focus back on the Driftless Region and all it's loveliness.

Southern Exposure 8x10

It was especially beautiful since the fall colors were at their peak.

Goose Island Backwaters 8x10

Questions or perhaps to purchase one of my original oil paintings, please contact me at Thanks for viewing.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Invite to Paint

My friend Karen reached out to me on one of those beautiful fall days with an invitation. Enticing me with news of golden leaves surrounding the valley she lives in, named End of the Rainbow.

I couldn't resist the chance to reconnect and share a moment with her plus an opportunity to paint plein air. The timing was perfect, the sun was just right, the trees were shimmering. After a few strokes onto my canvas I discovered I had no medium for thinning my oils. I conferred with my host for any walnut oil she might have, since I'd used that before and settled on olive oil. Why not, what did I have to lose, I was here to paint.

End of the Rainbow 
As it turns out, it wasn't the best choice. The paint did glide on smoothly and I finished my painting later to find out that this moment in time may be fleeting. The paint may never dry. Now we wait. 

As life goes, I don't regret or want to dwell too much on the misfortune of my artistic efforts. It was a beautiful day with a friend and I have a wonderful shared memory.

Farm Games 5x7

Tractor Days 8x10

As always I took lots of photos of the farm for my studio paintings. Karen puts a lot of artistic flair in the landscape. I found her collection of artifacts along a post on her porch reminded me of a totem of  interesting objects she had collected. My favorite is the Picassoeske painting she displays in the chicken coop. I guess it isn't so bad being detained if you have art to look at.

Rural Totem 5x7

Cooped Up 8x10

Red seems to be a common thread is the rural landscape. I'm just drawn to painting them.

Tree House 5x7

Barn Dance 11x14

After a lovely day with a great friend and a lesson learned.

Man plans, Goats laugh 8x10

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Falling for Color

 The greens of summer have given way to the drama of fall. It can be difficult to render all the greens we have in Midwest. Summer rain makes for such a lush valley but after awhile it becomes kinda mundane and the artist in me loves the change of season and the change of color to paint.

Here are some of my latest oil paintings celebrating color. 

From a woodland hike at Pike Lake State Park in the heart of Kettle Moraine.

Woodland Yellows 8x10
To the highway 35 overlook of Lake Onalaska.
Onalaska Overlook 8x10
Just down the street from me a neighbors glorious riot of color that greets me as I return home.
Neighboring Maples 8x10
I fortunately don't have to look far from home to see some beautiful sights.

Frozen Bottoms

  Frozen Bottoms 11x14 oil unframed SOLD This painting is a result of  a special invite to paint a view of the Black River Bottoms in Trempe...